October 3, 2018 E-911 meeting minutes for October 3",2018 ~� Call to order: 10:00 A.M. Roll Call:All entities present Pledge of allegiance: lead by Chris Medina Approval of Agenda for October 3`d,2018:Amendments Add under item 7 Director's report add call stats, and to add under item 9 action items change item 2 which was resolution reserve monies to item 3 and move item 3 Bylaws to item 2. Motion made and a second was made. Approval of Minutes for September 5`h,2018 and August 2018. Minutes had to be tabled do due minutes not being available. Motion was made by Mike to table both meeting minutes with a second from Sammy Motion passed all were in favor. Citizen's Forum: no citizens wishing to speak. Directors Report: 1. Red River communications meeting: Dominic advised everyone that Snider Sloan did schedule a communications meeting.What the meeting is about is to see what the County and Red River would have to do to switch over to Digital instead of Analog. Dominic did advise he had a good conversation with Snider and did get him up to speed about what is going on at the state level since Dominic has been going to those meetings for the past few years. In regards to the pros and cons of digital and analog. 2.TSV Radio Issues: Dominic did advise us that there were some issues with the TSV repeater and also issues that Taos County has not been made aware of. He asked the board for permission to have a meeting with the TSV radio person so that Dominic can advise him that he does need to keep Taos County in the loop whenever they are having issues or are doing work to the repeater even though TSV Inc. owns the repeater site .The board did give Dominic permission to have that meeting and do what was in the best interest of the safety of the First Responders. 3. Kyli Rhoads/Micaela Pacheco DPS Academy graduates and Valedictorian: Dominic did advise the board that Kyli Rhoads did graduate from the DPS academy has the Valedictorian which has never happened before for a Taos County student. Micaela Pacheco did also graduate in the top 5 of the class. 4. MOU-Red River:County Manager Cordova is working on the MOU with Red River and it should be done by the end of month. 5. MOU-NIBRS:the MOU is in the County attorneys hands just waiting for approval. Board Members Discussion: 1.Secretary Issues: Dominic advises that the current E-911 Secretary is currently on medical leave and its unknown when she will be back. It was brought up that we did need to appoint a new secretary if no one wanted to volunteer for the spot.After a small discussion Mike stated he would be the interim Secretary until the elections were held. Bobby and Chris advised that they would help Mike out if he needed it.A vote was held under action items which would be action item number 4 and all were in favor of mike being the Interim secretary and to place it under action items. Action Items: s 1. ODMAP Adoption: Dominic filled us in what the ODMAP was and is. What it is, is anytime an OD happens in Taos County the location would be placed on the ODMAP. It is a way to track OD's in the county to better serve First Responders. Laurie and Nina would be the ones handling this operation. It would require Fire, EMS, and Law Enforcement to let dispatch know when an OD occurs and Narcan was used so they can them place the location on this ODMAP. Chris did advise us that it would not violate HIPPA.A motion was made by mike to adopt ODMAP with a second from Sammy all were in favor motion passed. 2. Bylaws: after a minor discussion Dominic asked if we could adopt the By-laws for the 1PA. Everyone did have time to make changes and this is the version if adopted that would go in front of the County Commission. Sammy made a motion to adopt with a second from Celedon all were in favor motion { 4 passed. 3. Resolution Reserve Monies: Dominic explained that he was looking to use reserve monies to buy items that are needed for TCD.The budget he currently has does not have enough to make these purchases. He did advise he has talked to the finance committee and they saw no problem in using the c reserve monies for the purchases.The items he is wanting to buy is the Spillman maintenance contract which is around $25,000.00, security measures which is$3,800.00, NIBRS purchase$20,000.00, $3,200 in minor equipment, maintenance contract with Advanced Communications for$24,000.00, Firewall upgrade of 10,000.00 for a grand total of$72,000.00 from the reserve monies. We do have around $400,000.00 in the reserves. A motion was made by Mike to use the reserve monies for these purchases with a second by Sammy all were in favor and motion was passed. 4. Mike being Interim Secretary: Motion was made by Sammy with a second by Celedon all were in favor motion passed. 10. Date,Time,and Location of next meeting:Wednesday, November 7th 2018 10:00 A.M.County chambers 11:Adjourn: Motion by Celedon Second by Sammy motion passed.